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Health is not absence of disease but a state of energetic well-being.

Most of the present day diseases are due to:

  • High stress urban living                   &    Highly polluted biosphere
  • Increasingly mechanized routine     &   life-style related
  • Depressed emotional blocks           &    Mood swings

Accumulation of metabolic toxins and energy depletions: These are the causes for disease and disorder in both body and mind. To detect them early, there are very exclusive scan & diagnostic tools in Siddha medical system through a series of tests on urine, Saliva and energy scan techniques. The comprehensive report will help to put the individual’s energies in order through a holistic approach.

The civilization genius of ancient Siddha Masters had understood and articulated the fundamental principles of healthful living in harmony with Nature. Siddha medical science most distinctly emphasizes the practice of Kayakarpam and Kayakalpam to rejuvenate the body and mind, markedly slowing down the biological ageing. Your journey towards vibrant health needs a three-pronged therapeutic strategy of detoxification, restoration and rejuvenation, which is the essence of Nature healing. We design individual therapeutic regimen as required along with life nourishing dietary recipes and herbal medicines.

Ancient Gurukula concept advocates nurturing energies of an individual and orienting the same towards health, happiness and enlightenment. Holistic development makes an individual wise from his inner being and effective from his outer personality. Balancing and harmonizing energies is the key to happiness.

Management Objectives:

  • Learn to live life joyously
  • Handle stress and anxiety
  • Understand and overcome fears
  • Learn to be responsible and identify new possibilities
  • Enhance intelligence and potentiality
  • Learn to be wise in decision making